Llama’s for sale

We always have llama’s for sale, but they are listed on Facebook not here,


as I often update this a lot later. So keep checking on Facebook. All cria are for sale once born,  ( if Im not keeping ) so if your interested in one, get in touch quick. Deposits hold them till weaning at 6 months. CRIA BORN ALL YEAR ROUND

Males start at $1500, and females at $2500



I often have a waiting list for llamas, of certain colours or types, feel free to contact me by email yazooshka@hotmail.com  and ill add you to the list.  or on Facebook, Sorry But I can only breed so many year, I also may be able to help you out if I know of someone else who has something you may be interested in.

I only sell weanlings. I do not sell pregnant females. I some times sell wethers if I no longer have use for them, but that is very rare. And even rarer do I sell stud males. But it doesn’t hurt to ask.

What will hurt to ask is, for me to take a baby from its mum for you to hand rear. I WILL RESPOND IN A WAY THAT WILL MAKE YOU WISH YOU NEVER ASKED.